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Permits & Applications (Fee Schedule)

Zoning Department:

  • Building Permit
    Safebuilt Sets Fee


  • Construction Board of Appeals

       Cost: $300.00

  • Demolition Permit

       Safebuilt Sets Fee


  • Driveway Permit

       Business Cost: $150.00

       Residential Cost: $50


  • Electrical Permit

       Safebuilt Sets Fee


  • Land Boundary Change

       Safebuilt Sets Fee

  • Land Combo


  • Land Division

       Cost: $250 plus legal fees



  • Mechanical Permit

       Safebuilt Sets Fee


  • Plumbing Permit

       Safebuilt Sets Fee


  • Rezoning Request
    Cost: $500 including public hearing costs

       Site Plan Application and Instructions

  • Special Use Permit
    Cost: $250
    Form is available at the Village Office

  • Zoning Permit

      Application Cost: $75


  • Zoning Variance Permit
    Application Cost: $300


  • Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing

       Cost: $1,000

  • Zoning Book (Copy)

       Cost: $1.00 per page

  • Zoning Violation

       1st Occurrence: $150

       2nd Occurrence: $250

       3rd Occurrence: $350

       Subsequent Violations: $500 each occurrence

       Zoning Violation Procedure


  • Blight

       First Notice: $150

       Second Notice: $250

       Third Notice: $300

       Subsequent Notices: $500


  • Copy/Fax Fee

       $1.00 per copy

  • Freedom of Information Act

       ​Cost: $0.10/page plus Clerk hourly rate

       Freedom of Information Act Summary

       Freedom of Information Request for Public Record

       Freedom of Information Act Procedure Guidelines

       Freedom of Information Act Itemization Form

       Freedom of Information Act Appeal Request

  • Grass Ordinance Violation

       Cost: $25 if notice sent; $25 plus costs if mowing by Village is necessary

  • Highway Exit Ramp Sign Contract (Pair of Signs Annually)

       Costs: $50- 8"x 36"; $100- 16 1/4" x 36"; $150- 24" x 36"



  • Labor Charges (DPW)

       Cost: $100/hour

  • Marihuana Application

       Cost: $5,000/License Requested


  • Municipal Civil Infraction (1 year limitation; if no additional offenses occur within 1 year, rolls back to 1st offense)

      Cost: Civil Infraction Fee List

  • NSF

       Cost: $45

  • Occupancy Permit

       Cost: $75 (includes initial inspection fee)       

       Additional inspection required – $50/each
       Occupancy Inspection & Permit Application


  • Peddlers Permit

      Cost: $5 each or $50 per year


  • Police Report Copies

       Cost: See Van Buren County Sherriff’s Department

  • Rental Property Registration Policy

       Cost: $25/rental unit (one-time fee)




  • Sanitary Permit
    Cost: $300

  • Pavilion Reservation Application (Formerly Special Events Form)

       Cost: No Charge Plus any additional costs associated with the event

       Policy- Please make sure to read through Policy prior to completing form


       Completed forms can be emailed to 

  • Sidewalk Display Permit

       Cost: No Charge
       Sidewalk Display Permit


  • Signage Permit

       Cost: $25

       Sign Permit Page 1

       Sign Permit Page 2


  • Special Meeting Assessment

       Cost: $100
       Fee charged for a special meeting held by the request of a resident

  • Water/Sewer/Electric at Park (Vendors Only, Not Residents)

       Cost: $200; $150 is a deposit that is refundable after the event if no damage is          incurred

  • Yard Sale Permit (Limit 4 per year)

      1st Yard Sale: No Charge       

      2nd Yard Sale: $5.00

      3rd Yard Sale: $7.50

      4th Yard Sale: $10.00


We Want to Hear From You! 

Contact Us

Village of Lawrence

157 N. Paw Paw St.

Lawrence, MI 49064


Phone: 269-674-8161

Monday-Thursday 9 AM-12 PM & 1-4 PM

Friday 9 AM-12 PM





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